Monday, January 30, 2012

The recipes are finally typed in

About two months ago, I started typing in my grandma's old recipes. This weekend, I finally finished--7,600 words' worth of oldies but goodies, like this one for raised donuts.

I emailed a copy to my sisters and cousins (all the grandkids). I need to make a copy for Grandma too, as I'm sure she'll be curious about what I've done.

Now that you're done, can you please make these donuts?  I'll help by taste testing.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

And we know you couldn't have done it with sweet Tucker's help!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Your mom cooks doughnuts??
You live in a cool house!!!

Old Kitty said...

How fantastic! Now the next generation and beyond can truly enjoy and try these out!!

Awww big hugs to Tucker, Sadie and Benny! Take care

Aerin and Cassie said...

Most excellent suggestion, Tucker!

Cat said...

Wow what a big job that was!!! How wonderful that now they are saved forever :-)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

this post made me smile because it's my dad's birthday today and I am beyond fortunate that he is still around. I bought him a doughnut maker and a cupcake like tray to bake doughnuts in..

So I'm sitting here squinting at the type trying to read the recipe when I know full well he and mom have many a recipe for doughnuts..

Roberta said...

Did Mommy make you those donuts after helping her, Tucker? She sure did a lot of work typing all those recipes.

Becky said...

Lucky you Tucker,I love donuts.Were they good;)

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

That is such a great project! I bet your family will be so appreciative to have those recipes.

The Daily Pip said...

How nice that you have the recipes and have compiled them for family!

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: I will be happy to taste test a few of your donuts.

Lucy and some friends