Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hey you--yes, you!

The boys are trying very hard to get my attention when I'm on the computer.

Also, we read about a major update to our friend Judi. We are very very sad and are praying for her.


Elizabeth and Connor said...

Those mancats can be very hard to fend off!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

They want to blog and love on you!

Cat said...

I think they're doing a good job - LOL!!!!

Old Kitty said...

LOL!!! Awww the gorgeous boys are doing a grand job snoopervising! Yay! Take care

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Come on, you are just sitting there looking at 'the wall'.. it must mean you are ready for kitty time!!

Roberta said...

Tiny does the same thing to me. He uses his body to block the screen, walks on my keyboard or parks his butt near the mouse so I can't move it. Our kitties must wonder why we pay so much attention to this thing when we should be giving them our full attention. I am so sad about Aunty Judi. I need to go get some kleenex.

The Island Cats said...

It's hard to refuse them!!

We are so sad about Auntie Judi...we continue to purr for her.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Gosh, they're...subtle. Mine are the same way!

My heart just breaks for Judi. So awful.

Lucy and some friends