Monday, March 26, 2012

You ate WHAT?! #16

#16 is homemade blueberry muffins. That's right. I made a batch to bring to work recently, and had a few extras that I tossed in the freezer. I took them out, never imagining any of the cats would care.

I found Benny in the kitchen, with the bag on the floor. He didn't seem to care that I grabbed the camera and started filming him.

If I had thumbs, I could have just opened the bag!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Benny, we think you're very strange. We don't even like human meat, never mind muffins. LOL. Okay, one of us likes yogurt. :-)

Our human says she bets that muffin was very tasty, though!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OOPS! Caught in the act Benny!

Old Kitty said...

Oh Benny!! LOL! Were they nice?! Bet mum makes awesome muffins! Yay!!

Hello sweet Sadie and Tucker! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Benny, did you bite all of them so Mom could not save the other two?

Katnip Lounge said...

Benny, you and I need to take those muffins somewhere and munch 'em in peace!

xx The Baby

Pip said...

Benny, me finks you needs to gets more treats. Blueberry muffins is the icky!
A mancat hasa do what a mancat hasa do!

Roberta said...

Those muffins sure looked good. There was one for you, one for Tucker and one for Sadie. Purrfect!

The Daily Pip said...

Go, Benny! Blueberry muffins are the best!

Your pal, Pip

The Island Cats said...

Benny, we think you've got a sweet toof!!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

They are so funny! I like the bit in the video when Sadie sidles up and is all, "hey there... is there any for me?"

Elizabeth and Connor said...

MOL! LVe how Banny is like "hey lady, I'm trying to eat here!"

Turned around and growing like crazy!

 Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd lik...