Monday, March 5, 2012

Smackdown with Benny

Also, we are thinking of our friend Judi at SASS today. She has had medical problems. We continue to purr for her.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Way to go, Benny, great action video!

We, too, are purring and purraying hard for Judi.

Becky said...

I wish I had that button,I would gladly post it for her.

Amy J said...

Nice catch!

Old Kitty said...

Yay!! Benny you got the mousie! Well done you!!

Love and hugs to mum Judi-bug! Take care

The Daily Pip said...

Nice work, Benny! Our paws are crossed tight for Miss Judi!

Your pal, Pip

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Good catch Benny. Kirby loves to play catch, too!

Katnip Lounge said...


Bassetmomma said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Miss Judi too!

Roberta said...

Your tail said it all, Benny. Glad Mommy and Daddy let you catch that toy. Get well soon, Miss Judi.

The Island Cats said...

That was fun to watch, Benny!

Elizabeth and Connor said...

Loved the thrashing tail! Those were good smacks!

Lucy and some friends