Friday, November 8, 2013

Still looking and hoping

Thank you, everyone, for your support today. I am out of my mind with worry and fear--not to mention guilt. We searched all afternoon and until it was dark. The live trap is set with his favorite food, and we have both the garage and porch doors open in case he finds his way home.

We also searched the inside of the house again, top to bottom, with flashlights.

I am thankful that several of our neighbors have pitched in to help. The love of animals unites people.

Benny is very confused and is following us closely around the house. Sadie doesn't seem to notice or care that Tucker is gone.

Tomorrow morning I'll search again and stop at the humane society to look at the strays again. I hope he is ok, wherever he is.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I hope he comes home soon. It is so scary when they get out~

Summer at said...

My paws are crossed that Tucker finds his way home ASAP! I'm sending purrs to him, and to you.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Purrs and purrayers that Tucker is home today. Lots of hugs and universal Light to you all.

Lucy and some friends