Thursday, November 14, 2013


Everything has caught up with me, and I am exhausted mentally and physically today. I guess I could not live on adrenaline forever.

Nothing at the local shelter today. Jim is going to look around the neighborhood before work this afternoon. I'm going to need a nap before I do any searching. I already broke out in cold sores, and sure don't want to get sick too.

Sadie did a sweet thing last night that I want to share. She has seemed unaffected by Tucker's absence, but last night she climbed into my lap (rare) and started purring. She leaned over and gently licked my lips twice. She's never done anything like it before. It warmed my heart for a little while.


Random Felines said...

it is so hard....don't give up hope

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

They know how hard it is....They love you a lot. Good going, Sadie!
They're all so precious, aren't they? They steal our hearts and never ever let them go. And we keep a bit of theirs too.
Sending more hugs.
And one specially for Sadie.
QUINN and Carol

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

it is evident to them how much you care.. it is nice they are saying thank you..


Fuzzy Tales said...

No, don't give up hope. Sadie knows you're so stressed, it was sweet of her to do that.

Continued purrs and universal Light and hugs.

Roberta said...

Benny and Sadie have been such a comfort to you. They know your heart is breaking. Bless their hearts.

Saku said...

How sweet of Sadie, she obviously recognizes you need her special loving.

Thinking of you and hoping that Tucker wil be home soon!

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh, our heart just aches for you.
You and Tucker are in our thoughts and prayers.

Summer at said...

Sadie knows how much pain you're in. Purrs to you. Take care of yourself - you are right, you don't need to get sick on top of everything else.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

All of us here at Prancer Pie are purring and purraying for Tucker's safe return. XOXO

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are sorry Tucker is still missing. We still has our paws crossed and our purrs going for his safe return.

Everycat said...

Sadie, keep on comforting your Mum, she needs you.

Don't lose hope, don't give up. Tucker may yet still be near by or on his way home

Love from
Mungo & The Ape xx

Lucy and some friends