Friday, November 15, 2013

Sadie's little gift and Tucker search update

One night after work, I took off the sweater vest I was wearing and put it on the futon. Sadie took a nap on it and left her little imprint.. . .

. . and a little tiny whisker.

It makes me cry, though just about everything makes me cry these days.

Tucker search update: I covered some new ground last night, in addition to the usual nearby places. I talked to a woman in the 100 block of our street who was walking her dog and gave her a flyer. I have met some wonderful, helpful people in the past week.

I've taken many of your suggestions--put out bowls of food in case he is scared of the trap, and put out some used laundry with our scents in the front and back yards.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and comments. This has been the strangest, oddest week.


Roberta said...

My heart is with you and Tucker. Don't you just love it when a kitty leaves you a whisker and your sweater must have felt so nice and warm to Sadie. I will keep praying for Tucker's safe return.

Summer at said...

I am continuing to send "come home" purrs to Tucker! I am sure where ever he is, he really wants to come home - as badly as you want him home with you.

The Island Cats said...

We continue to purr that Tucker comes home. And we purr for you because we know how stressful this is for you.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We check FB and this blog many times a day hoping Tucker has found his way back home. We cannot imagine the stress you are going through right now. All we can do is offer our prayers and purrs. (((hugs)))

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...
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Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hope Tucker comes home soon. We thinks you are doing everything you can to get him home. We are not sure how you feel about pet communication but we thinks this lady is helpful when you needs to talk to your pet.

Sorry we left the wrong link the first time.

Everycat said...

We wondered if anyone had mentioned leaving the contents of your vacuum cleaner, scattered around your home outside?

That's a sweet whisker, we keep whiskers in a little tin here. Funny how the only ones the ape finds are white.

We are sending lots of purrs and love and hope that Tucker finds his way home or you find him soon

Mungo & The Ape xx

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I haven't forgotten to say my prayers, and your sweetie is on the list!
Mommy saves my whiskers. Isn't that weird?? But kinda sweet....

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

it has been a very odd week in general...

I can't tell you how much I wish Tucker would just come home..

Lucy and some friends