Sunday, November 10, 2013

Some happier moments

This afternoon, Benny and Sadie shared some sunbeams. It was sweet and made me happy.

No news on Tucker, I am disheartened to say. I bought a rotisierre (sp) chicken tonight and put some skin in the trap. Tucker loved that, and I'm hoping will smell it if he's nearby.

I am going back to work tomorrow, but will check the shelter during lunch again. Jim works later hours than me, which is helpful in this situation. He has been bicycling late at night, patrolling the neighborhood.

Thanks for your continued support. We love you all.


Katnip Lounge said...


Saku said...

Sweet photos, I hope Tucker is home soon to share sun puddles with Benny and Sadie.

Take care.

Roberta said...

Still praying for Tucker's return. I glad you have Benny and Sadie to provide some comfort until Tucker comes home again.

Summer at said...

I really hope the rotisserie chicken skin reaches Tucker's nostrils - it would sure get my attention! More purrs are coming your way (and Tucker's) from me.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're still purring and purraying hard and crossing our paws for Tucker's safe return. (((Hugs))) and kitty kisses.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww Tucker - darling - come home, come home, come home.

Take care

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sending prayers and love for Tucker to get home safely. xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sorry to hear that Tucker has gone missing and send my loudest purrs to help guide him home.

Marg said...

We sure send many purrs that Tucker comes home really soon. It is so scary when they disappear like that. Big hugs to you too.

Sasha said...

I am purring for Tucker's safe return and all the Pond Fish are swishing their tails for him.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

The rotissserie chicken skin is a great idea and we hope Tucker is within smelling distance of that tasty treat. We're keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers that he returns home soon.


Mom Julie, Tinker, Chopin, Anastasia and Angel Tom

Marilynn said...

{{{{HUGS}}}} and lots of purrrrrrrrrssssss for all of you while you wait for Tucker to come home. I know that sinking feeling, and it's no fun at all.

Come on, Tucker ... get on home. Your family is waiting for you!

Marilynn, Grace & Company

Pip said...

We just heard about sweet Tucker. My prayers go with him until he returns. And my boys send purrs of comfort to you.
Oh how I know what you are feeling.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring that Tucker comes home soon.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Mom was so hoping that Tucker would have come home after she was gone all weekend. We are still purring and praying very hard he will find his way back. (((hugs)))

Everycat said...

I am sending large and loud rumbly purrs for Tucker to find his way back home. My ape is sending his humans some hugs too.

TUCKER! if you are out there, please get your sweet butt back home, your folks are frantic!

Luff from
Mungo & The Ape xx

Maggie May said...

Tucker, you are in our daily purrayers. Please come home today!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We will keep purring for Tucker and hope the chicken "perfume" brings him home.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Jans Funny Farm said...

It's horrible when a pet is missing! We sure hope Tucker will be home soon.

Random Felines said...

don't give up hope....we hear stories all the time about them coming home. and we are yelling for Tucker to go home too!!

PDX pride said...

Purrrraying for Tucker to come home!!!

wildcatwoods said...

Keeping you ad Tucker in our thoughts. Do try to look in the house again - if you did not actually see Tucker go out, perhaps he is tucked away indoors somewhere. I have lost cats and thought they got out but they were way back in a closet asleep - especially if he is old.

Cats of wildcat woods

Linda said...

Sending positive thoughts your way from Seattle to you.
May your sweet kitty come home soon.
xo Cinnamon

Karen Jo said...

Tucker, you get your furry little self home this minute. Your family are very worried about you. I send hugs to the worried beans and the kitties are purring up a storm for Tucker to come home.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Come home Tucker.. your momma is missing you something fierce, you must know that by now..

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Rene and Jim...we are so sorry to hear that Tucker is on walkabout still....we did not know. This is a very heartwrenching time to be sure...the waiting and wondering is so taxing. The cozy cottager cats will send out purrrrs and vibes for him to return home.
Please know how much we care....
XOXO Karla

Clooney said...

We are sending our biggest purrs and prayers to you and Tucker for him to come home safely and quickly and for all to be well with him.

bichonpawz said...

We are sending along our prayers that Tucker will be home safe soon!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We wanted to add our purrs... we sure hope little Tucker finds his way home.

Ramblingon said...

I am so sorry about Tucker. In times past I went through that heartache.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

may St Francis guide ewe home tucker; and yet two day....bee safe, N healthee N get home quik ~~~

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

If you can hear me , Tucker ?

Unknown said...
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Lucy and some friends