Sunday, November 10, 2013

Naptime with three kitties

Jim had taken this photo in in September and I was going to post it this week. It breaks my heart to even look at it--Tucker is faceplanting into my hand.

No news about Tucker. We spent an hour last night with flashlights, looking under every bush, shrub, piece of wood, porch, etc. that we could find in the neighborhood. We have contacted almost every house on the block, and others beyond.

The shelter opens at noon today, so I'll be there when it opens to look at the strays. Then I have to work at a train show this afternoon.

I appreciate your prayers and good thoughts. The house seems so empty without my Tucker boy.

p.s. I am trying to keep up with visiting and commenting your blogs, but it is difficult. I am doing my best.


Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Still purrin'. Still prayin'. Will continue to do so for as long as it takes.

Please Tucker... COME HOME!


Summer at said...

Aw geez, I keep hoping to see that he's back. I'm still purring for Tucker's return.

Katnip Lounge said...

Gol darn it! Tucker, let yourself be found!

Random Felines said...

we will keep up the purrs.

we read a great hint - have a poster or sign in your front yard with his picture and "lost cat" if someone sees him they know right where to come. hope he comes home soon.

Unknown said...

Tucker...please come home darling!!
We are still keeping positives thoughts that he will...
Miss Kitty

Old Kitty said...

Awwww Tucker!! Please please come home now! :-( We are all so so so worried about you! Just come home now.

Hugs and purrs, take care

Vanessa Morgan said...

That picture is too adorable. I hope you'll find Tucker soon. You'll be in my thoughts.

The Island Cats said...

Please come home, Tucker...please!

Saku said...

We is all purring for Tucker to come home.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I still have paws crossed and we are hoping like crazy here.
Please will you come home, sweet boy? Our hearts are with your whole family.

Roberta said...

That was such a touching photo of you and the 3 furry kids. I miss Tucker, too. I won't give up hope.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are heart sick over tucker. I start crying for you every time I think about it!

Lucy and some friends