Tuesday, May 13, 2014

You Ate WHAT?! #39

#39 is flour tortilla shells.

I think that, once again, our Benny is the guilty party. He chewed some sizable holes in the bag.


Fuzzy Tales said...

I get a kick out of these posts, because Nicki and Derry aren't interested in human food, with a couple of exceptions in Nicki's case. I don't recall any of my cats ever having sampled packages of food left out. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my! That's funny. Alice doesn't bother human food either. Now I have to go look at the past posts to see what else they've eaten!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Minchie would chew the bag and leave the food.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, apparently he joins Elliot in believing the obligate carnivores need baked goods in their diet. :-)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I bet Binga would do that! Which is why almost nothing sits unsupervised in the kitchen!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

lol.. Benny and Harvey.. two carb fiends.. Amy has to keep her bread in her dish washer

BoSoxAmy said...

Looks like something Lowenstein would do! He's my carbo kitty!

A Tonk's Tail said...

WE would never do such a thing *innocent eyes* But then again, our Unca Caleb could take down a whole loaf of bread in a matter of minutes. Nom Nom Nom.

Roberta said...

Oh, that Benny is so funny. Did he leave a pawprint so you can compare it to his? LOL

Lucy and some friends