Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Comfort during this changing time

I can see changes in the cats already since Tucker has been gone. Benny is anxious and needy, while Sadie is a little withdrawn (she was freaked out for a couple of days but has improved).

Benny has been staying pretty close to me, and it's a comfort. I took this photo of him on the bed with me last night.

My moods go up and down. Yesterday, I was quite strong, while today I've been a wreck. The nights are hard; Tucker slept by my head and I'd wrap my arms around him.

I'm planning to take a few days off of work once I get past some deadlines.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice plan to take care of yourself. Glad to hear Benny is keeping an eye on you.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We're glad you'll take a few days off ASAP.

Purrs to you and Jim and to Benny and Sadie too, as everyone adjusts.

As an aside, when Annie passed, I don't think Nicki noticed; he certainly didn't care. Derry, who was tolerated by Annie for the most part, WAS "off" for quite a while, would sit at the top of the basement steps and look down, waiting for her. (The basement is where she spent those last weeks, by choice.) Even today, Derry often sits in the same spot and looks down, though now I would find it hard to believe he's still in any way conscious of her absence.


Marg said...

Animals really do grieve. I had two ponies that were together for 12 years and one had to go to the bridge and the other was so sad. They will stay close to you too. Animals really know. Big hugs to you.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We continue to send purrs and prayers of support.
Timmy and Dad

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I think taking some time off work as soon as you're past those deadlines is a good idea; I think you and the kitties need to spend some time together.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

it is so important to take care of you, and find your new normal..

Random Felines said...

there is no timeframe and it comes and goes.... purrs

The Island Cats said...

It's never easy. Take care of yourself. Purrs.....

Saku said...

Grief is a such a sneaky thing, I think taking some time off is a good idea.

I've had three cats cross the Bridge in the past 6 years, and none of the others showed any concern that one was missing. I suspect when my Sasha passes, that will change as he has been the constant.

Katnip Lounge said...

Make sure you do some nice things for yourself 'til you can take a few days off. Grief is hard--emotionally and physically. I'm sure Benny and Sadie not only miss Tucker but cats are so attuned to their people's moods...I'm sure they mourn as well.
xx Trish

Fur Everywhere said...

I'm glad Benny is being a comfort to you. You all need each other right now. ::many hugs:: and purrs from all of us. <3

pilch92 said...

So sorry about your loss, but glad your Benny can sense it and takes care of you.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my heart just broke again. When you said where Tucker slept it tore me apart. When I stay up late and watch TV, I often fall asleep on the couch. Cody lays by the top of my head every time I do that and I put my hands on him and pet him. I hurt for you ((((hugs))))

Kitties Blue said...

Whenever we have lost a kitty, I always see a change in the others for a while. I always think those who remain are wondering if they will be the next to disappear. Then there is looking for him/her where they usually could be found napping, playing, etc. and not finding them there. It is all hard to take in. You will be in our hearts and prayers as you mourn and heal. Hugs, Janet and XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Roberta said...

I'm glad you will be taking a few days off. It's been very hard on all of you. I, too, have grieved with you and still do. Benny and Sadie feel your sadness and know that Tucker is gone. They will need you more than ever now. I bet sweet Tucker is still sleeping by your head in spirit.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Sending purrs to Benny and Sadie.
...and to their humans.
Take good care.

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Time off is always good. Still thinking of you and sending purrs and prayers.

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