Saturday, November 8, 2014

Remembering. . .one year ago

One year ago today, our Tucker slipped out of the house and went missing. It was such a surreal time, full of emotions. Here's what I learned from the experience, and from finding him.

1. Always be watchful when you leave your home. Do a headcount before shutting the door. It's that one time you "quickly dash out" when something could happen.

2. Guilt can consume you.

3. Jim and I loved Tucker equally. Not that I doubted it before, but seeing Jim searching late into the night made my heart ache with both sadness and happiness.

4. We learned a lot about looking for a lost cat, and wrote a lengthy post about it. We know at least one person has found their cat based on what we wrote. While we don't wish this experience on anyone, we're thrilled it could help someone else.

5. True happiness at being reunited. As long as I live, I will never forget the details in the night I found him. This photo will be my all-time favorite, probably always. I had no idea how much I was smiling in this photo until I looked at it later.

6. Treasure every day together. Life is short and precious.


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

So glad that you found Tucker and YES you sure have a BIG smile on your face :)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That was a time none of us will ever forget. And they joy and happiness of him being and found!


I remember so well and also when you found him, thankfully and the immense happiness that followed. Never lose faith.

Saku said...

We were all so thankful when Tucker was found. Knowing now that your time with him was short, it is even more sweet.

Thanks for sharing your reminders.

Summer at said...

That is a great photo of you and Tucker! My human remembers when he went missing, and how stressful it was for you - and for everyone who loved Tucker through the blog.

Roberta said...

That was so very touching and true. I love that photo of you and Tucker when you found him. Sure miss that sweet boy.

Fuzzy Tales said...

I remember that awful time and in my heart, feared Tucker never would be found. You didn't give up and it paid off, and that reunion must have been incredibly joyous. The love you felt and still feel for him shines through all your posts.


Debra Taylor said...

Your face is incredibly radiant in this photo! Thanks for the recap on what you learned.

I totally agree - savor each day for, relatively speaking, a cat's life is short.

The Island Cats said...

We remember this and knew the anguish you felt. It was so wonderful when you finally found Tucker. And thanks for sharing all the tips you learned about finding a lost cat, though we hope we never have to use them.

Fur Everywhere said...

I'm so glad you found Tucker, but I know how stressful having a lost cat is. Milita scratched open a screen on a window in a previous apartment and escaped once. Thank God she came back several hours later, but I certainly never keep windows open now if I can't supervise my kitties. I always do a head count before I leave my apartment too.

I'm sorry you had to go through that experience with Tucker. I have no doubt, though, that your experience helps other cat owners.


pilch92 said...

I wasn't reading blogs back then, but I am glad you were reunited. Please visit us for a givewaway of catnip turkey drumsticks.

Random Felines said...

We were terrified when he got out and thrilled when he was found.

GLOGIRLY said...

We remember this... it's one of our biggest fears. Thank you for sharing what you've learned. It will absolutely help someone someday.

What a beautiful photo... you are glowing. xo

The Rosie Bee said...

I love this picture. And it's still hard to believe that was a year ago! It seems like it wasn't that long at all...

Turned around and growing like crazy!

 Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd lik...