Monday, November 10, 2014

You ate WHAT?! #44

It's Ringo's first "you ate what?!"!
#44 is a pretzel crisp.

Ringo helped himself and took one right out of the bag. He only took one nibble before deciding it wasn't worth eating.

But wait, there's more!
Our friend Alana at CATastophes does a funny series of videos (which of course feature cats!) She asked if we could share her newest one, which features:

I grew up with Mario. . .and enjoyed this video. Watch it here.


Random Felines said...

we love those videos!!!

and mom tried those pretzel crisps and says she has to agree with Ringo - not worth it. MOL

Fuzzy Tales said...

We think we'd prefer Temptations to pretzel crisps. :-)

Summer at said...

I eat cantaloupe! The new CATastrophes video is awesome!

Roberta said...

Loved the Catastrophes video and Meowrio's name. Very clever. I don't like pretzels either, Ringo. You were so brave to take a nibble of it.

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