Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tucker tribute: His love of the Christmas tree

Tucker loved sleeping under the Christmas tree. He would fur up the tree skirt nicely each season. Boy, do I miss that. Here are some photos I took in December 2011, shortly after his lung cancer diagnosis.

I hope there are lots of Christmas trees for him in kitty heaven.

I particularly like this one.


Fuzzy Tales said...

There always are so many things to miss, aren't there? The pictures are sweet. (((Hugs)))

The Rosie Bee said...

I'm glad you have these pictures. :) Also, the "fur up the tree skirt" made me giggle.

Summer at said...

Tucker really did love the Christmas tree!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I like to think Ollie is sitting under my tree in spirit form

Saku said...

Sweet Tucker! It's so wonderful you have these pictures along with your memories.

Roberta said...

Tucker looks great in all the photos. I bet there is a special tree just for him in kitty heaven.

pilch92 said...

Tucker was adorable, I am sure he gets to celebrate Christmas every day in Heaven

Lucy and some friends