Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The boys nap together

Ringo loves to be near another being, either furry or human, which is different from our other cats. He doesn't hesitate to jump next to anyone who is nearby. I think Benny and Sadie are still adjusting to this--Tucker would previously bully anyone away.

Benny, our patient boy, lets Ringo nap near him regularly now, and it is very sweet to see.


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I think I just fell in love a bit more with Ringo

Anonymous said...

Aww - love yesterday's and today's cuddly pics. I wonder if Elliot is trying to 'share' like that - and the girls just think he's pushing them out.

pilch92 said...

Such little love bugs.

Marg said...

It really is terrific when kitties become good friends. That is great that Ringo and Benny are friends. Have a great day.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Both are definitely sweeties!

Summer at said...

I think Benny is a bit surprised Ringo can hang out with him and no drama ensues!

Roberta said...

Ringo is such a good role model for Sadie and Benny. He just warms my heart. I love that boy.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

That is so sweet =)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THat is sweet!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

yep that is definitely love!

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