Monday, March 9, 2015

Ringo's nine-month-old portrait

He posed on the couch recently, looking so grown up!


Marg said...

Ringo, you really are going up and becoming such a handsome boy. You all have a great day.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

he is becoming ridiculously photogenic!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Happy "9 month day"! I couldn't think of anything better!

Summer at said...

Ringo looks almost as grown up as me! I'll be a year old in 9 days!

Random Felines said...

almost a full grown man-cat

Katnip Lounge said...

more...a little more...almost full-sized!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, Ringo, you are turning into such a handsome mancat!

The Island Cats said...

He's growing into a handsome mancat.

Fur Everywhere said...

Ringo, you are growing into quite the handsome mancat!

pilch92 said...

What a handsome mankitten :)

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

love how pilch called him a "mankitten" adorable and adorable photos

Lucy and some friends