Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thrifty Thursday: Odd plate

This week, here's an odd decorative plate-thing. Why would you give this to anyone?

Thrifty Thursday: Shell organizer

While thrifting with my friend Susan, I spotted this shell organizer. It was so odd that I had to take a photo of it. I'm not sure what it's supposed to organize, letters and pens maybe?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ringo on the futon

Tucker used to hang out on the futon when I would do anything crafty. It was wonderful to have him nearby as I sewed or embroidered.

I hauled out my embroidery machine for the first time since we adopted Ringo. To my delight, he slept on the futon as I worked, in nearly the exact spot as the Tucker photo above.

Thanks for carrying on the tradition, Ringo. You're a special boy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lap kitties

I've spent a lot of time in the dentist's chair lately. I have had problems with crowns attached to dental implant and gotten an infection in my gums. It's really a long story and I won't bore you, except to say that I've had nights with quite a bit of pain.

One evening I was feeling pretty low. I went and sat with a blanket on the bed. Soon, all three cats were on me. It was heartwarming.

Cats really are wonderful.

Monday, April 27, 2015 review: Furminator dual sided brush

This month's product is the Furminator dual-sided brush. We've long been fans of their regular  Furminator, and the company has really expanded their line of grooming tools.

We didn't know until we received this that it's sold as a brush for dogs. I'm not sure why--the brush works for cats too. For comparison, here's a comparion next to other brushes.
Left to right: slicker brush, Furminator dual, original Furminator

One side of the brush is like a slicker, but the ends are rounded nubs. The other side is soft nylon bristles.

The brush is well made and hefty. It feels comfortable in your hand. I tested it on our brush-loving kitty, Ringo. He loved this brush so much that when I tried to get a video, it was a mess.
The bristles are soft and won't damage your cat's skin. Our Tucker had an obsession with slicker brushes, pushing so hard against the bristles that he would sometimes poke his skin. I wish I'd had this when he was alive.
The bad news is that, for short haired kitties, it won't remove a ton of fur. I swiped the nylon bristles for five strokes on Ringo's back, both with original and dual Furminators for comparison.
 There are a few hairs on the dual brush, but substantially more on the original brush.

A nice touch was that this brush comes with a storage cover.

But while it doesn't remove a ton of fur, brushing is good bonding for you and your cat. It may be helpful for people with long-haired cats, but we don't have any here to test it.

Overall, we're pleased with the quality of this brush.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sadie, quality control tester

Sadie here. Recently, my mom told you about some yarn she found at a thrift store, and that she was going to crochet some cat beds for the cats at the local shelter. She's been working away, and gave me a bed to test.

I sat on it right away.

I like it, and give it two paws up.

My mom said I was off center. I don't know what she means. I think my way is ok, don't you?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thrifty Thursday: Cat-themed Little Golden Books

I recently discussed some Little Golden Books that I collect. I like to find cat-themed books, and  just found a new one:

I discovered that I have 23 books with cat themes!

One of my very favorites from childhood is The Color Kittens. The version on the left is the older cover. The one on the right is quite recent.

Another clever book is The Secret Life of Walter Kitty, a spoof of the short story Walter Mitty.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Odd Benny behavior

Benny started doing this odd behavior where he paws at Ringo. I got a video of it. Anyone see this with their cats? Any idea of what it means?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Cool, the window is open!

We had a day in the 60s, so I opened the office window. Ringo stood on his tippy toes to look outside.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thrifty Thursday: Fisher Price Peek a Blocks

My step-daughter is pregnant with her first baby, due in August, and I have been eyeing baby toys! (Jim is over-the-moon happy.)

I have long thought the Fisher Price Peek a Blocks were neat, but they are also expensive (about $15 for 6 of them).

However, the local St. Vincent dePaul often has some in bags of small toys that they sell for $1 each. I recently found 8 of them for about 20 cents each!

If you haven't seen these, each block as a visual or textural element to it. Some make noise, others have ribbons attached. The one in the middle of the photo above is full of sand.

I plan to keep an eye open to find more, so I can present a nice selection of them to the mom-to-be!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tucker's garden stone

It's been a while since I've posted about Tucker. Though I've come a long way in my grieving process, I miss him terribly.

For Christmas, Jim's sister Patricia gave us a pet memorial garden stone. I was stunned by this gift--I had wanted one but hadn't told anyone this.

Now that spring has arrived, I chose a photo and set it outside last night.

Next to it, I placed a small statue my mom gave me after Tucker's death. She said it reminded her of me as a girl.

I chose a spot in the far backyard, near the catnip plant, and in front of a mosaic I made a number of years ago that spells "love."

My sister-in-law is not online. I will print these photos and mail them to her. I hope she'll be pleased.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Double microwave kitties

Benny was on top of the microwave, so of course, Ringo wanted to be there too. He groomed Benny for a while and they both rested.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Somebody please help me

Benny was sitting in a basket of warm laundry, and then Ringo jumped inside and started grooming Benny.

I adore the look on Benny's face.
The things I put up with.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thirfty Thursday: Sack of yarn

I crochet simple projects and am always on the lookout for yarn deals. Unfortunately, yarn prices have gone up a lot on recent years. 

I was thrilled to score a sack of yarn at a Goodwll for $2.99!

I was happy with the selection in the bag.

I saw a story on Facebook about a man who crochets cat blankets for a local shetler, and I really liked the idea. I've started crocheting cat blankets--so far, I've completed three.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

You ate WHAT?! #59

Benny must have felt adventurous because this time he tried beer bread! (At least I think it was Benny.)

Jules and Ringo play patty paws

 Please enjoy this video of our two boys playing by a door. So cute!