Friday, August 28, 2015

Balloon ice ball

UPDATE: I took Ringo to the vet for fluids, pain medication, and antihistamine. While he's not fully himself, he has improved and is eating again.

I recently saw a video where someone made a large ball of ice using a balloon, then let their cats enjoy it. I decided to try it. It was a super hot and humid day (though we have air conditioning in the house.)

Unfortunately, it was an epic fail. Sadie was the only one who smelled all around it, then walked away. I could not get either of the boys to even look at it.


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Glad Ringo is feeling better..

and sorry to hear this wasn't a hit. the video was so cute.

Summer at said...

I'm not sure we'd like an ice ball either! I'm glad Ringo is better and am sending him purrs until he is back to his normal self. It took Binga a few days to get back to normal too. I'm sure you already have, but make sure it's noted in his chart that he reacts badly to vaccines - there are work arounds for that in the future.

Rene said...

Summer, oh yes, we made sure this reaction was noted, and we asked the vet to report it also. We plan to NOT vaccinate him again. Benny (now 15) had a more serious reaction to a vaccine when he was 2, requiring a trip to the ER, and we've never vaccinated him again either.

Saku said...

Glad to hear Ringo is feeling better. I suspect my cats would have a similar reaction to the ice ball.

Cleopawtra said...

So glad to hear Ringo is doing better. You might try to putting the frozen ball in a little water. That way the ball spins a little to interest them. It worked for my guys. Hope it helps. Have a wonderful day.

pilch92 said...

How sweet of you to try :)

Roberta said...

Sadie, you are one brave lady. I hope Mr. Ringo is back to his old self again. So glad he is eating.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I'm glad Ringo is doing better! Poor little dude.

My parents' late cat, Star, used to play with an ice cube on the kitchen floor sometimes, but my cats could not possibly be less interested in ice. When we were having the crazy heat wave, I made giant ice blocks in plastic containers and they were completely unimpressed; same with ice cubes in their water dish and on the floor. C'est la vie.

Lucy and some friends