Thursday, August 27, 2015

Exams for Ringo and Benny

Ringo and Benny had check ups last night.

A stack o' boys.

Ringo was a pro in the car again.

Benny had a blood panel, to check his levels, especially his liver. I'm happy to report that his liver values are back to normal! His BUN and creatinine are creeping up and are on the high side of normal. He just turned 15, so I know part of this is due to age. We'll recheck him in December.

Can we GO now??
Ringo had a check up and a distemper booster. He was the picture of calm and remained on the exam table watching the entire time (even when Benny had blood drawn!)
This place is interesting!
He didn't really want to leave, and was even scrunching at me. What a super good boy.*

*Today, Ringo is having side effects from the vaccine. He won't eat and seems to have a fever and sore joints. We're seeing the vet this afternoon. I feel terrible about this. :-(


Random Felines said...

hope Ringo is feeling better soon....but he sure does look relaxed :) and it sounds like Benny got a good report too

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Purrs for Ringo..

his good demeanor comes from you taking him out so much when he was a kitten.. he's got self confidence to spare.

Summer at said...

I hope Ringo feels better soon - Binga reacts badly to vaccines too.

Roberta said...

I know Ringo will be 100% soon. Poor guy. He sure was a good kitty at the vet. Hugs.

Saku said...

I hope Ringo is feeling better soon, poor boy!

A Tonl said...

Oh poor Ringo, purrs of health to him!

pilch92 said...

Poor RIngo, I hope he feels better soon.

Lucy and some friends