Monday, August 17, 2015

Trying silvervine for the first time

I ordered a small starter pack of silvervine from Amazon, and tried it on the gang. Ringo was not interested.

Benny liked it. Here he is in the blueberry box, wide eyed and wild.

Now Sadie went NUTS for silvervine. She rolled around in it and I could not get a photo. She licked the mouse that came with it wet.

Who me? I am too ladylike to try anything like that.

But please make sure you buy more, you know, for the cat who did like it. . .


Marg said...

Some of us likr the silver vine and some just don't care. Sadie, it is OK if you like it. It really is fun. You all have a great day.

Random Felines said...

ah yes....cats on drugs MOL

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Um, Sadie, those are some really wide eyes you have there..

Summer at said...

We are all pretty enthusiastic about silver vine here!

Katnip Lounge said...

Maui goes BANANANANANANAS for the 'vine! Sadie, you and he could PAR-TAY.

The Island Cats said...

MOL! Sadie looks a little buzzed there! ;)

pilch92 said...

I wish it wasn't so expensive. My kitties had a small amount once a went crazy for it.

Lucy and some friends