Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Reviewed product update: Calming treats

I've never done an update on a review before. In December, we reviewed Pet Natural's calming treats, supplied to us by Chewy.

I had written that Sadie seemed to respond well to the treats.

I had another opportunity to test out these treats on her. One week ago, we had a snowstorm with high winds and sleet. The sleet hit the windows most of the day, and it scared Sadie. She was hiding under the couch. I gave her two treats, and within 30 minutes, she came out from the couch!

I am pleased. These do work for some cats!

Disclaimer: We were provided one free bag of treats in exchange for an honest review. We did not receive any compensation, except for the product.


Anonymous said...

I have never had any luck with "calming" products. Fair dues, I have never tried the brand you speak of today. My vet wants me to give cat prozac, but I won't!!!

Greg, Scooby, Marigold, Zeke, Opie

A Tonl said...

That's just awesome and so good for Sadie!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

so glad they made things a little easier for her

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

That's so great that they are working for Sadie!

pilch92 said...

I am glad they worked.

Lucy and some friends