Friday, June 17, 2016

Tucker tribute: Sentimental ol' me

I've had my iPad mini for about two years. I regularly delete photos from it (mostly of the cats) or I'd regularly run out of space.

For sentimental reasons, I'm unable to delete certain photos, like the first one I ever took with it. . .

These are early photos I can't delete either.

It's sort of silly, I guess. They are backed up and saved in two locations. I also have photos of my late Grandmother from the birthday party we gave her about 7 months before she died (oddly, today marks the one year anniversary of her death).

Is it just me? Are you unable to delete certain photos too?


Unknown said...

Yes, I am the same way. For me it just re-enforces the special memories and events those photos represent. If I delete it seems to me that it diminishes the event.

Random Felines said...

same here....they can be backed up, but certain pictures will stay on my phone

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I am the same. What makes them more special in the camera memory?

Summer at said...

My human rarely deletes photos from anywhere! She really needs to make some more room on her iPhone.

Unknown said...

I keep a lot of photos and regret I didn't keep more from the 'before' the internet.

pilch92 said...

Those are beautiful photos of Tucker. I completely understand, I do the same thing with photos of my past kitties.

Saku said...

I have my laptop backup, but I also have a separate back up, plus I save all the photos to my laptop. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of photos pre-computer. I'm sad to say I only have a few photos of Silver, Shady and Silas.

Gorgeous photos of Tucker. It's wonderful you have these.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I have over a thousand photos I can't seem to delete. even after I back them up and know they are safe somewhere else. I know it will make me smile when I scroll back through my pictures looking for something, so I leave them. I dread getting a new phone.

The Rosie Bee said...

I'm guilty of keeping photos like that, too, even if they are backed up elsewhere. I find it very comforting.

Lucy and some friends