Monday, December 19, 2016

Getting advice on integration

We'd like to thank Carol from ColeHaus Cats for a message session we had on Friday night. Colehaus has FOUR orange girls, and lots of experience with integrating adult cats.

We've backed off on the introductions for now. Lucy is ready, but everyone else is not.

I spent a lot of time in the kitchen on Sunday, and had Lucy shut in with me.

Lucy ponders the divider.

Ringo was nearby a lot of the time.

Lucy tries to figure out escape. She's a very clever girl.


Anonymous said...

Aww, does Mr. Ringo want to be friends....or just being nosy?

Eastside Cats said...

Give them treats when they see each other through the barrier; good things happen when they are near like that. Also, I think you've got a GREAT advisor in Colehaus Cats!

Anonymous said...

The temptation is to let them get together. which I always succumb to. I just let the fur fly til it is over!

Summer at said...

Everyone will be settled in time. Of course, the time part is the most important! I am very easy going, so I got to integrate faster than most.

Eastside Cats said...

Information about water for outside cats:
In the severe cold, almost nothing keeps water liquid for any length of time. We've discovered that big and deep can prevent freezing, so that's why we've gone with the coolers (had a six-pack cooler last year that held a whole gallon of water; the one in the photo today holds 3/4 gallon.) I chip off the ice and refill the cooler twice a day. I also snag those little paper packets of sugar when out to eat, and I pour about 1/2 of a packet into the water. The idea is that the sugar prevents the ice crystals from forming, and it works. The Hubby is sure that I am going to give the cats diabetes with that sugar, but they are only drinking about a tablespoon's worth. Hope this helps!

Random Felines said...

it is mostly time and patience. and it can't hurt to take it one at a time.... if Ringo and Lucy like each other, give them a chance to interact with supervision (maybe he can report back to the others....haha)

The Island Cats said...

Yep, best to take it nice and slow...and keep everything as positive as possible.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Don't fret too much about it. It seems one step forward and two back is normal!

Anonymous said...

Glad things are movin' along. Mommys method of integration is abnormal, but it works fur her. She's a very strong willed purrson with a strong mind. And once she decides somethin', she never doubts it. Fankfully, it works, vuz we just don't have da space fur those slow innerductions. Big hugs and lots of purrayers.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

more food and treats for everyone!

pilch92 said...

She is a cutie. I am sure things will work out in time.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Paws crossed the others will accept Lucy in time.

Lucy and some friends