Friday, December 2, 2016

Gotta stretch out my leg

Feral cat update: Last night, Jim and I talked to some neighbors, looking for information about the kittens. Sadly, we learned there are FIVE kittens, and even more sadly, they are 4-6 months old (too old to socialize and adopt out).

These neighbors were trying to convince the person where the kittens "lived" to contact the local shelter for help. The guy would not listen or even let them on his property.

I got permission to set traps on their property, which is across the street from him.

However, some good news this morning--two of the kittens were waiting near our traps for food this morning!  I'm going to buy another trap today and set it up. These kittens are nearly breeding age now, so I want to control the population.

Ringo: Sorry, Benny, but I need to stretch out my back leg for a while.


Eastside Cats said...

Keep up the good work with those ferals! Just because that 'guy' doesn't understand, doesn't mean you cannot continue to do the right thing, which is to prevent MORE KITTENS! I wish I could loan you my traps, but I'm way over in Michigan. Sending you happy trapping vibes!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I hope you are able to catch them all quickly and they aren't as feral as you fear. and poor Benny.. he puts up with so much.

The Rosie Bee said...

Yay for good news! Here's hoping you catch them all and soon. And thank goodness for milder weather...

Colehaus Cats said...

Yippee and go YOU! Thank you for working so hard to capture this bunch and for helping control the population!!

pilch92 said...

I don't think it is ever too late to socialize. The 4 kittens I trapped this summer were at least 4 months old and they were able to be socialized and adopted.

Summer at said...

What a bummer that it has gotten more complicated - I hope you are able to catch them all and that maybe some of the youngsters are tamable.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

To bad the kittens are to old to socialize. Hopefully you can get them all.

Lucy and some friends