Wednesday, April 11, 2018 review: Flik automated string toy #chewyinfluencer

When I was asked if I would like the cats to review an automated toy, I was hestitant. In my experience, our cats prefer simple things, like a box or paper bag. The "fanciest" thing we have here is a Hexbug track with Hexbugs (both purchased secondhand).

I accepted and figured with four cats, there was a chance someone would like it.

Flik is an automated string toy. It's a round unit (sort of like a small Roomba) with about a 12" string that sticks out. You turn it on and the string moves on and off.

It takes 3 AA batteries. We suggest using rechargables, as it's sort of a battery hog.

Set it up and the floor and push the button the back to start it. One wish I have is that it would shut off after an amount of time, say 10 minutes, but you have to turn it off.

The first few minutes both Lucy and Ringo were sort of simulataneously freaked out and very curious about the toy, as you will see in the video. They could not stay away. Within 10 minutes, though, Lucy was all about this toy. In fact, she's become a bit obsessed with it. After I turned it off, I heard thuds in the room. I went back and discovered she had carried the string and moved the toy to a different part of the room. This happened a second time after play.

I would caution you to not put this near stairs because the toy is light and I'm not sure it would survive a fall. I'm also not sure if the string is replaceable, since the unit is not meant to be taken apart from what I could tell.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how entranced Lucy is by this toy. The only challenge will be making sure she does not damage it.

Disclaimer: We received one toy in exchange for an honest review. The opinions here are our own.


pilch92 said...

Cute video. Looks like it was a hit.

Eastside Cats said...

Interesting concept! Thanks for sharing!

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, now that looks like it would be fun. Thanks for the heads-up about being a battery hog. An automatic turn off would be a plus, we'd think, and a no-brainer. We have a hexbug but didn't know there were tracks for it. Since Sunny loves her round trackball toy, you gave us an idea of putting the hexbug in there, just to see if it becomes a new and fun thing around here.

Cathy Keisha said...

This looks like a new version of the Cat's Meow toy that I didn't like. From watching the video, it doesn't look like the string comes out all the way either. I'm glad Lucy likes it. I guess you could hide it when it's not in use.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Looks like you've got things under control, Lucy! What a cool toy! We have a Hexbug too - but it scares Bear so it's been permanently retired.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mudpie had the exact same reaction! At first she was quite petrified of it and kept backing away, yet she was curious. Now she's obsessed with it and I swear she would hit the ON button if she could!

Summer at said...

How funny that Lucy loves the toy so much!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

There is probably not an auto shut off because they don't want you to leave the toy unattended

Lucy and some friends