Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Long overdue donation update

We are sort of embarrassed about this long delay, but life (and my shoulder surgery) got in the way. Last August, we had a commentathon for Benny's 17th birthday. Proceeds were to go our local shelter's Project Guardian program, which benefitted their TNR program.

Unrelated to this donation, a coworker had started a weekly "lunch run" program. He would collect orders from a restaurant and add 15% to be donated to the local animal shelter. In six weeks' time he collected $120. He asked me to deliver the check.

I figured, why not make both donations as long as I was there? To my delight, the employee offered to take my photo with an adoptable kitty!

This was taken in the community cat room. The cubes behind me are beds with ramps leading up to them. 

Thank you to all who donated. You're helping kitties like this one!


Eastside Cats said...

Ohh, me likey adoptable kitty! And what a great way to make donations!

Amy J said...

Ahh, the mystery of the picture explained. Nice!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

It's always more fun to make donations in person - then you get to pet kitties!

Random Felines said...

YAY!! Donations are always appreciated!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

You know the staff enjoys the donations when they offer to take your photo with a kitty! :)

The Island Cats said...

What great donations! And kitty cuddles too.

pilch92 said...

Cute kitty. That is a great idea to help kitties.

TF said...

Start your own lunch program! Noodles.com and Panda Express have a "group order" feature so one doesn't have to worry about getting orders wrong. They almost always write everyone's name on the food so the only hassle is the accounting. (Just make sure you have plenty of room on your credit card.) ^._.^
Please share if you decide to try it and let me know if you know other restaurants that have an online order dealy!

Lucy and some friends