Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Cat Amazing Sliders Review and Giveaway!

We were contacted by the folks at Cat Amazing and asked to review their new Cat Amazing Sliders puzzle toy. 
Ringo was excited just by the box.
What's in here?

Let me see! Let me see!
The inside has several pieces to assemble. The colored pieces are first. I suggest using some mailing tape to secure the smaller sliders--they didn't want to stay together on their own. There are nice instructions inside the box, and a video on their website if you need more help.

The inside sliders

I appreciated this graphic on the outside of one piece.

The inside before the top goes on. The yellow slider goes on the bottom and the two smaller ones on top.

Now, just add treats and watch!

Ringo really loved this puzzle. He spent a lot of time exploring it and reaching in for the treats. Benny walked by but didn't check it out much (but at 19 he's done with that, LOL). Lucy later checked it out, as I saw the box moved around the room throughout the day.

All in all, this is a good, sturdy puzzle toy that will challenge your cat(s).

Now, the folks at Cat Amazing has offered a GIVEAWAY of one of these toys! Just leave a comment and I'll draw a name on Monday September 9! (US shipping only, please)


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Jack gave up on puzzle toys that were actual puzzles once he became a teen.. but I bet the kittens would love this.

Eastside Cats said...

I've always wanted to get puzzle toys for our cats, but The Hubby is sure that there will be kibble all over the house! Maybe if we go for larger treats, he'll see the wisdom of these toys. Looks really cool, and that graphic against declawing is GREAT!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Angel Minchie would have loved that! The traveling puzzle box.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Melly would love this! She needs a bigger challenge. (Scarlett's attitude would be similar to Benny's, I'm sure.)


Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Looks like a hit!

Summer said...

This puzzle toy looks epic! I am embarrassed to say, I am terrible at puzzle toys. I don't get them. I will do tricks for treats any day, but not a puzzle!

Amy J said...

Congrats Ringo! Not sure if any of my trio would have the keen eye for this. :-)

Holly said...

I would love to get this for my Mayhem Brigade

pilch92 said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Great giveaway!

Linda Szymoniak said...

Since my daughter moved out and her cat, Arata, went with her, my Kotoha doesn't have a cat to play with. My senior girl, Moko, has never been much for playing and with her age and health issues, she wouldn't now anyway. Kotoha does play with my dogs, but she needs to be able to play like a cat, too. I think she'd like this.

Susie said...

This looks awesome!

Smudge said...

Must be my age. I don't know, looks like a lot of work to me. I'm going to take a nap now.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a neat puzzle.

Roberta said...

That looks like such an interesting toy. If the boys don't like it, I know I would. Loved the colors. I'm glad it was Ringo and Lucy approved.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I received the cat sliders prize today Monday Sep 16th. Thank you very much! I won another prize last week as well and hope to do a post of BOTH of them together when the second prize arrives! thanks again!

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