Thursday, September 3, 2020

This "work from home" thing is interesting

 Ringo: What is this, mom? You brought home some interesting smells.

I'm working on a kit to build a large-scale (1:24) structure. I started this in maybe February as a video project, but it got interrupted due to COVID-19. However, we're going to resume (outdoor) video projects later this month, so I have to finish it at home.

Ringo: Cool, look at all these parts! Bet I could bat them around.


Amy J said...

Ringo looks like he could be *very* 'helpful'. Good luck.

Eastside Cats said...

"Gee...thanks a ton for you snoopervision, Ringo!", said with heavy sarcasm...

Catscue said...

Ringo, you look like you'll be a big help - MOL! My sympathies go to your Mom on finding all the missing pieces.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I think you're going to have an attentive helper!

Summer said...

Wow, this looks like a fun project... for Ringo, at least!

pilch92 said...

Such a great helper.

Integrating into the household

 Ringo and Lucy have made amazing progress with Jules in just 5 days. This morning, I took this adorable photo of the three of them. Is ther...