Thursday, January 28, 2021

Lucy is living the good life

 Lucy: I'm on the bed, in a sunbeam, and Dad turned the space heater on. 


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

you're looking awfully comfy! Have a good snooze!!

Amy J said...

Indoor sunbeams in January are the best!

Catscue said...

Enjoy those sunbeams and warmies sweet Lucy!

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh Lucy! You look so warm and cuddly in that sunbeam! Is there room for a small tabby to come and share it with you? If so, I'll head for my transporter unit now! Have a marvellously Happy Day! Marv

pilch92 said...

You are a lucky girl. XO

M Dawson said...

Got to be cat heaven a snuggly bed and a sunbeam.

Eastside Cats said...

Lucy, wish I were sharing the warms with you!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

It's a purrfect life, for sure!

Summer said...

Lucy, you are living the life!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

That looks super comfortable, Lucy! The only way to improve that situation is a human or two to give you ear scratches!

Smudge said...

Ahhh, the sun, a space heater, a nice warm bed- what more could one ask for?

Timmy Tomcat said...

That is living the best of life a cat can get Lucy. I can hear your purrs

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