Wednesday, February 10, 2021

You Ate WHAT?! #88


#88 is homemade Italian bread

After Benny died, I wondered how often this series could continue. Benny was our "carb kitty," and attacked many things. However, it seems that Lucy is ready to step into his shoes. She will attack any plastic bag left on the counter.

This is a loaf of Italian bread. Note the bite marks all over the left side.

If you want to try this recipe, it's pretty easy, and very tasty (Jim gives it two thumbs up.). I got it from the newspaper.  I knead by hand but you could use a mixer with dough hook if you prefer.


Summer said...

This sounds like a cool recipe! I'm not sure if my human would let me have any, though.

Eastside Cats said...

Da Boyz were crazy about bread when they first arrived!

pilch92 said...

Silly Lucy, I can see why she was tempted though.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Thanks. This one is now in our recipe folder and sounds delicious

Marvelous Marv said...

Nellie Bellie was the bread eater...Marv won't touch it, Jo Jo loves toast and Kozmo will eat the bread if it has gravy on it! Have a marvellous day!

Lucy and some friends