Thursday, January 4, 2024

Lucy takes on nursing duties

 Lucy: Mom and dad had some crummy holidays. Dad got sick just before Christmas, so they didn't travel to see his mom. Turns out, they said that was a good thing, because both Mom and Dad got COVID.

Mom is starting to feel better, but Dad is still sick. They both have been resting and I'm taking over lap duties from Sadie for now. Don't tell Sadie, but I think I do it better!

orange cat on lap


pilch92 said...

Your poor parents. I hope they are better soon. They are lucky to have such good nurses. XO

Eastside Cats said...

Oh noes!
The Hubby and I caught 'The Rona' too!

Amy J said...

*hugs* May all those extra purrs bring faster healing to your humans.

The Island Cats said...

I hope your mom and dad feel better soon!

catladymac said...

We send purrayer and Power of the Paw that everyone gets better soon and that you kitties all stay healthy too !

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

They couldn't ask for cuter nurses!!!

Lucy and some friends