Saturday, November 9, 2013

Empty trap, empty heart

We check the trap nearly every hour last night, and it was still empty this morning. I got up at twilight and made another route through the neighborhood. I refilled the trap with fresh food--I stopped at the pet store to buy his favorite of favorites.

When the humane society opens at 9, I'll drive over there again to look at the strays. And a good friend of mine offered to stop by two other shelters and look too.

I seems so hopeless. It's so hard being in limbo like this. I'll sign off as I'm crying again.


Katnip Lounge said...

I'm worrying with you....I went to sleep hoping for good news today. Fingers crossed.

Saku said...

Oh Rene, I'm so sorry to hear Tucker has gone missing. I haven't been on-line for a few days and had missed the first post.

Hopefully someone has found him and is taking good care of him and will return him to you soon.

I'll be thinking of you, and hoping for the best!

The Island Cats said...

Oh, I was hoping for some good news. I continue to pray and the kitties are purring that Tucker will come home. Are there any garages, sheds, etc. in your neighborhood that he might have gotten trapped in? Our neighbor's cat got out one day and was trapped in another neighbor's garage for a couple of days (they had gone out of town after the cat ran in the garage). I continue to pray and the kitties are purring that Tucker will come home.

Fuzzy Tales said...

I was hoping for good news by now; we all have been. Don't give up hope, it's not been that long.

One of my ex mil's cats went missing for some days...Turns out the poor girl was trapped in their detached garage (really a shed no one used). They found her, starving but okay.

Continued purrs and purrayers, Rene. (((Hugs)))

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Tucker... I'm still purrin' for you. Still purrin' that you'll find your way home, safe and sound, very soon.

Just like Wally's neighbour, my brother once went missin' for a couple of days too and, just like Wally's neighbour, we think Rushy got stuck in someone's garage. Don't give up. Just keep on purrin' and prayin'.

Many, many purrs and prayers headin' your way.


Summer at said...

I was hoping for good news today too. :-( I am continuing to purr that Tucker finds his way home.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are still purring for you!

Lucy and some friends