Saturday, November 9, 2013

Still no news

To the person who suggested we check garages, yes, we've been contacting neighbors and asking them to check their shed, etc. A kind neighbor has really stepped in and helped, reaching out to those she knows in the area.

I spent three hours searching and passing out flyers at community bulletin boards. Went to the humane society again, and a friend went to three other shelters and passed out the flyers.

I can't stand being in this state of limbo. I have a little time to search before it gets dark again. Tucker kitty, we sure miss you.


Roberta said...

Oh, Rene, I know that feeling of not knowing what happened to gentle Tucker. We all love and miss him very much. We will not give up hope. Tucker will come home.

Saku said...

I hope the morning brings good news. Take care...we're all thinking of you and Tucker and hoping for the best.

The Island Cats said...

We're still praying and purring that Tucker will be found.

CATachresis said...

Still purraying. Still hoping for some good news !!

Summer at said...

I am continuing to purr for Tucker, and for you too. I know where ever Tucker is, he must miss his home terribly.

Old Kitty said...

Oh no! Oh Renee!! I am so sorry! What happened to Tucker?! Oh dear, I am so sorry! I have everything crossed, EVERYTHING! crossed that you find Tucker soon. Awwwww Tucker, come home please! :-( I am so sorry! Take care

MrsB said...

Just learned the sorry. Tucker come home!

MrsB said...

Just learned the sorry. Tucker come home!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

I have paws crossed for sweet Tucker! We will not give up hope!
and Carol

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh my gosh, Rene, I just saw this series of posts--I'm so sorry! Paws and fingers are crossed that Tucker finds his way back to you very soon! Throwing in a couple prayers to Sts Anthony and Francis for good measure.

Lucy and some friends